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The method has been independently eval uated by the German Federal Highway. Application of the system on an existing structure bridge deck. In both cases, the numbe r and location of th e fractures had not. On t he bridge deck, all known fractures were. In the laboratory, some fractu res could not be found because of special.

Nevertheless, the RM-Method gave the best. In there was a successful trial on pres tressed parking decks of a shopping mall.

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All the fracture locations that were found by RM-method. One of the main research topics concerning the RM-Me thod was its app lication to. In the course of a research project, a test stand with tendons and a highly dense. The arrangement is similar to. In the lab test we use a tendon with 20 cold-drawn. Wires contained intentionally induced fracture s at three locations fig.

The average concrete cover is approximately 4. The average concrete cover is approximately 3 cm. After the construction of a larger electrom agnet specifically designed to adapt to the. After multi-le vel processing of t he measurement data,. Difference Curve of Measurement Curves. Representing Different Magnet ic States. Low Pass Filtered Difference Curve. The shown curve is the result of t he differen ce between two experimentally obtained. The bold line is the low-pass-filtered.

It almo st exclusively contains signals origi nating. Due to edge-effe cts in data processing, either end of the curve. Signals corre sponding to fracture can. Degre es of damage and signal amplitude are correl ated. Concerning Prestr essing Steel Fractures. Location of prestressing steel fracture s in bridge decks and parking structures. Each of these steps has to be optimized in order to speed-up t he testing of these.

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In order to assess potential fractures from the magnetic flux density measured at the. This is nec essary in or der to erase the unknown.

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Magnetization of the tendons is performed from the. A remanent magnetizat ion of the tendons. The disadvantage of using these comparabl y small magnets is the time consuming. The position of the tendon has to be know n along the entire magnetized length within. Consequently, it is often necessary to locate the tendons. In cases where measurements can be performed from the top surfac e of the concrete.

The first idea was to construct a. For German standard conditions this. Numerical simulations have shown. Laboratory tests show ed that a magnetization length of 10 m. This is due to the higher coercivity of prestressing.

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Prestressing steel is not only mechanically but also. As a consequence of this result and for a better handling we constructed an. The legs of the electromagnetic. The magnetic yoke wit h a mass of approximately. With this magnet, whose length corresponds to the width of.

Magnetization of the tendons can be performed by drivi ng the magnet, orientated. This applies to the defense of microorganisms as well as to the immune defense of tumors.

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Trypanosoma brucei, the pathogen causing African sleeping sickness, occurs mainly in West and Central Africa. The pathogen transmitted by the tsetse fly attacks the central nervous system and causes severe neurological disorders. Without treatment, infection can lead to death. The number of reported cases last declined, falling by 90 percent between and , from 28, to 2, patients source: Nina Papavasiliou and C. At DKFZ, more than 1, scientists investigate how cancer develops, identify cancer risk factors and endeavor to find new strategies to prevent people from getting cancer.

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Combining excellent university hospitals with high-profile research at a Helmholtz Center is an important contribution to improving the chances of cancer patients. Subscribe to our RSS-Feed. Pathogens camouflage themselves with sugar No. Alarmiere andere Gruppenmitglieder und sende ihnen deinen aktuellen Standort, wenn du Hilfe benötigst. Teile dauerhaft deinen Standort mit Freunden und Familie und sei immer auf dem Laufenden, wer gerade wo ist.

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