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  1. Drei Wege, um SMS-Nachrichten online zu lesen - nathan-online.org
  2. How to Read the iPhone SMS Backup File
  3. 4 text-to-speech apps that will read online articles to you

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Drei Wege, um SMS-Nachrichten online zu lesen - nathan-online.org

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How to Read the iPhone SMS Backup File

Das ist mein 1. Apple Teil, als Rentner reicht muir auch Windows. You can also choose to display the text of the article as you listen. Voice Dream Reader highlights words as it reads. It offers many customizable display and voice choices. Voice Dream Reader shows the text of the article being read, and highlights each word as it is spoken. Since the app was originally developed as an assistive tool, you can adjust the size, font, spacing, and color of the text displayed during playback.

Voice Dream supports adjustable playback speeds, and allows you to customize pause time between sentences, too. You can select from several system voices, and set a preferred speed, pitch, and volume for the voice. You can also add documents to listen to from Dropbox, Google Drive, Evernote, and other sources.

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Speech Central shows the current paragraph being read. Speech Central works on more platforms than any of the other apps here, with apps available for iOS, macOS, Windows, and Android although the app is available from Amazon, not the Google Play store. It also supports the ability to read text from other formats, such as Word, PDF, and more. On iOS, the app supports the system voices, although you can adjust the voice pitch, as well as the default 1x speed to be slightly faster or slower.

Speech Central shows the text, with a subtle colored vertical line displayed along the left side of the text of the paragraph as it is spoken. The app will announce the calculated reading time for longer articles, which may be useful if you listen while traveling, and you can change playback speed between. Speech Central also offers the ability to shuffle voices, so you don't have to listen to several articles in a row read with the same synthesized voice. Audiobook Maker was the only app of the four to properly pronounce the words "live" and "livestream" with the default voice setting.

All the other apps pronounced the four letter word "live" incorrectly for the context, as if it rhymed with "give. Audiobook Maker also was the only app with the option to display one word at a time, centered in the screen. It also offered an option to highlight the word being read, while showing the surrounding text, in an adjustable size font.


As with other apps, you can adjust the speed, as well as select from several voices and languages. Audiobook Maker development is still in process. For example, the app also includes the ability to use your camera to take a photo of book pages to be read. But when I took a photo of a page from a book, I saw a "less than a minute remaining" message that never left.

It's also never been easier to add text-to-speech capabilities to apps.

There are smaller competitors in the field, like Responsive Voice , too. And search giants Google and Baidu have each released research papers that tout their progress toward increasingly natural sounding text-to-speech capabilities, called Deep WaveNet and Deep Voice 2 , respectively. Do you use text-to-speech to listen to articles or documents?

4 text-to-speech apps that will read online articles to you

And if you're a developer, have you integrated one of above API text-to-speech services into your app? If so, let me know which service and why — on Twitter awolber or in the comments below. Andy Wolber helps people understand and leverage technology for social impact.